



   为引领大家深入了解中国传统文化,提高汉语水平,我院决定举办 2022 年留学生普通话大赛。现将有关事项通知如下:






参赛选手完成自我介绍、中华优秀传统文化主题才艺展示、普通话作品展示、普通话知识问答等 4 项内容。


2.中华优秀传统文化主题才艺展示。可展示中国歌舞、传统 器乐、戏曲、书法、绘画、武术等艺术技能。

3.普通话作品。作品形式可选择朗诵、演讲等能够清晰展示 参赛选手普通话水平的形式。内容可选择体现中华优秀传统文化、社会主义先进文化的经典作品,或参赛选手结合在华求学经历,讲述知华友华的学习实践故事,表达亲近中国语言文字、热爱中华优秀文化的情感。作品格调要积极向上,富有感染力。参赛选手逻辑清晰、语言流畅、举止得体、声情并茂,可通过音乐、服饰等辅助手段融合展现作品内容。















  附件1 普通话大赛报名表.xlsx







Notice on Holding the 2022 Putonghua Competition for International Students

Dear students

In order to guide you to deeply understand Chinese traditional culture and improve the level of Chinese, our college has decided to hold the 2022 Putonghua Competition for International Students. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Competition purpose

By holding this Competition, we will set up a stage for international students to show their Putonghua level and excellent traditional Chinese cultural talents, deepen international friends' understanding and love of Chinese excellent language and culture, and promote the international dissemination of Chinese excellent culture with language as the carrier.

2. Who can compete

International students in Jining.

Contestants should have the ability to use Putonghua and Chinese excellent traditional culture and have the foundation of Chinese ancient poetry.

3.Competition content

Contestants are required to complete the self-introduction, excellent traditional Chinese culture talent show, Putonghua works show, and Putonghua knowledge questions and answers in Putonghua.

(1) Self-introduction. It includes the names of the contestants' mother tongue, Chinese names, countries and other information.

(2) Excellent traditional Chinese culture talent show. It can display Chinese singing and dancing, traditional instrumental music, opera, calligraphy, painting, martial arts and other artistic skills.

(3) Putonghua works show. The works can be in the form of recitation, speech and other forms that can clearly show the contestants' Putonghua level. The content can be selected from classic works embodying excellent traditional Chinese culture and advanced socialist culture, or the contestants can combine their learning experience in China to tell stories and express their feelings of being close to Chinese language and loving excellent Chinese culture. The show should be positive and infectious. The contestants should have clear logic, fluent language, decent manners and full of emotion. The content of the work can be integrated through music, clothing and other auxiliary means.

(4) Questions and answers about Putonghua knowledge. Answer the judges' questions in Putonghua.

4. Competition time

October 17, 2022

5. Award setting

There are first, second and third prizes in the competition, and prizes and certificates are awarded.

6. Registration requirements

Please send the activity registration form (Attachment 1) to Basit before October 17th.


Attachment 1. Activity Registration Form


International Education College

October 11, 2022